Together We Can End Homelessness
Homelessness Data Snapshot
2024 Northern Colorado State of Homelessness Report
Having only officially formed as a CoC in January of 2020, this is the first time the NoCO CoC has released a comprehensive State of Homelessness Report. This report is based on homelessness data and information for the year 2023. The intention of the report is to provide CoC partners and the community at large with a depth of information related to the state of homelessness in Northern Colorado, data analysis and system performance information, current efforts to address homelessness, gaps, and challenges and future directions.
Coordinated Assessment Housing Placement System (CAHPS) Data
De-identified data on all individuals experiencing homelessness actively enrolled in CAHPS and housing outcomes, by city. View Dashboard
Point in Time & Housing Inventory Count
The Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Counts (HIC) are federally required, yearly efforts to take a snapshot of the number of people experiencing homelessness on a single night and the number of dedicated resources available to people experiencing homelessness in our community. They are conducted in the last two weeks of January.
The data collected through the PIT and HIC are reported to the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and inform the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) provided to Congress. It is important that our community conduct as comprehensive a count as possible to show the need in our region.
2024 Point in Time & Housing Inventory Count Report
2023 PIT/HIC Report 2022 PIT/HIC Report 2021 PIT/HIC Report 2020 PIT/HIC Report
System Performance Measures, Point in Time, and Housing Inventory Count
Statewide Homelessness Data
State of Colorado: Reducing Unsheltered Homelessness *Wildly Important Priority* - Reduce the number of Coloradans experiencing unsheltered homelessness by 50% by 2027
Continuum of Care Reports
Plan to Serve People Experiencing Homelessness with Severe Service Needs
In 2022, the NoCO CoC endeavored to create a community-driven plan to identify and meet the needs of people with severe service needs. The Plan details the work that is currently being done, work in progress, ideas for the future, and areas we know need significant improvement in our community's response to homelessness. Read the Plan